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That was the first (traditional!) SharePoint and Project Conference Adriatics!

I often use this blog to write down some impressions about SharePoint (and general Microsoft-oriented) conferences I speak at. But now, this is a difficult task: how to write impressions from a conference that I have co-organized? Since the closing party and the SharePint, I was wondering – did we do a good job? What are the visitors and speakers saying?

Well, the feedback started coming quite soon:


At least something Smile Good for the beginning!

SPC Adriatics (SharePoint and Project Conference Adriatics) took part in Zagreb, Croatia, on 11/28/2012, and it was the first SharePoint-devoted conference in a region that “covers” Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. It has all started as a crazy idea, the last April in a pub in Rovinj (Croatia), between Nenad Trajkovski (Project MVP, Croatia), Toni Frankola (SharePoint MVP, Croatia) and myself. Well, after we have decided that we want to go with it, we immediately started with preparations, and till August, we had a fixed date, a rough plan, a web site and even a pretty much finished agenda. The word was spreading fast, and some of the most acclaimed SharePoint speakers have very soon confirmed that they will be coming. Yes, we were really happy to have Agnes Molnar, Martina Grom, Wictor Wilén, Paul Swider, Michael Noel, Joel Oleson, Zlatan Dzinic, Darko Milevski and all the other guys who did great job with speaking on the conference… The speaker setup looked really impressive.

And than it came, that November 28th, and everything was like in a trance – keynote, sessions, lunch, sessions, closing ceremony & official sharepint – speaker dinners (2 of them!). I needed 2-3 days to comprehend what we have actually pulled here, and it only became clear to me after the first feedback forms started arriving.

Instead some clever conclusion, or whatever what might be expected on the end, just two things:

1. I am really proud on what we did here, on SharePoint Community in Croatia and Bosnia (remembering my friend Adnesa traveling 7-8 hours by the bus). We had visitors from all the countries in the region, plus Austria, Hungary and Germany. Wow!

2. Toni, Nenad – in the future, you can again have me for any crazy idea you two might get. I would be ready to go in war with you, guys!

I have put my decks and source code on the speaking engagements page.

See you at SharePoint and Project Conference Adriatics 2013. Until then, some photos and impressions from this one:

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